Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Birthday, Levi!

L apr08 crop levi

Our baby boy turns one today and I'm reminded of all the things about him I love...

I take joy...

every time he smiles/laughs at his big sister.

that he is a great eater now.

that he is sleeping from 7pm-7am.

because he is a generally happy baby.

that he loves to play independently.

that all it takes to get him out of a bad mood is to take the cushion off the chair so he can climb on it.

that he loves to hug the kitties even if they don't share his affection.

that he loves to push anything that has wheels.

that he lets me leave him with other people (with only a small amount of crying).

in that he wants to be around me even when I'm not so enjoyable to be around.

that he can do so many things now that he couldn't just a short time ago.

in all the little day to day things he does that make me smile.

Finally, I take joy

in what is yet to come in his life...

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