Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First guests in our new place...

I get together with a precious group of ladies every week and this week we met in our new villa! The kiddos all play while we try to talk over their noise. It can get quite chaotic at times! Our husbands would probably go crazy if they saw how wild it can get. Sometimes I wonder if I've had a full conversation by the end of the morning...Or if I walked away from someone mid-sentence because of some intervention needed. We attempt to take prayer requests and pray for each other during the week. It has been a great group of friends and we continue to add more children...with five ladies we have 10 children ranging from 4 months to 4 years...with more to come in the future, I'm sure!
This is why the gates need to be installed! The carpenter was supposed to be here a week ago! (My plastic gates are too small.)

Naomi and Katie

Daniel: "Look at all the drawers I pulled out!"

Lydia looking pretty!

Libby actually got all the toddlers to sit down at the same time!

Four 2-year olds and one 4-year old

Micah showing Hanna and Priscilla her sand table outside - maybe someday it will be cool enough to play with it again!

Miriam and Levi

"So, what do you think of our parents so far, Levi?"

Looks like you could use another muffin!

Katie, Lydia, and Micah

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