Tuesday, August 26, 2008

So the boy doesn't like ducks?

James here. He does like rolling over though. Lately, he'll roll over from his back to front, then get frustrated because his face is in the carpet. Oh, well. Today, I reached the end of the internet. Although, I guess that publishing this blog would extend the internet further, so I didn't find the end; hmmmm. The islamic month of ramadan starts on Sunday. No eating, smoking, drinking (even water) or sex during the day. Of course, in private, you can do all of them. They even say you shouldn't eat or drink in your car! Sounds like a good time to leave town so that's just what we are doing.
We'll go up to Austria for Steve's wedding. Beth will stay for about a week and I'll just run up for the weekend to save a few vacation days. The following weekend, we'll travel to a chain of islands in the Indian Ocean called the Maldives. Should be a fun week of sitting around, napping and sitting around. Maybe we'll do some snorkeling or fishing.
Thanks for reading. Until next time, James.

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